6 Awards at NPPA 2021

We were delighted and privileged to win 6 awards at this year's National Parenting Product Awards (NPPA) across numerous categories:

• Bio Oil won Gold for 'Best Pregnancy Skincare Range'
• Proceive Women won Silver for 'Best Fertility Support'
• Multi-Mam Compresses won Silver for 'Best Product for Breastfeeding'
• Colief Infant Drops won Silver for 'Preferred Baby Treatment for Relief of Colic'
Proceive Pregnancy range won Bronze for 'Best Pregnancy Supplement'
• Colief Vitamin D3 Drops won Bronze for 'Preferred Vitamin D Supplement for Babies'

The National Parenting Product Awards (NPPA) is the only independently-tested consumer awards of products and services for young families in the Irish marketplace.

The awards were established in recognition of the overwhelming consumer decisions new parents have to make, the NPPA aims to acknowledge, celebrate and promote the brands that parents trust most. The NPPA mark of excellence is now a symbol which new parents in Ireland look for when purchasing products

Created by Zahra media group in collaboration with research partner Kantar, the National Parenting Product Awards recruited 3,087 parents of children under 3 years of age nationwide, plus 15 industry experts in 2021 to test 178 products in 46 product categories and 2 service categories.

Suzanne Acton